Multiple Measures Student Report Guide
360 Student Overview
The Multiple Measures Student Report is a better way to look at a student’s educational performance. Designed with students and parents in mind, this streamlined, intuitive report card provides a well-rounded view of a student’s achievement across the board. This report includes an array of metrics such as results on the state and local tests, student attendance, and behavior data. This report can function as a roadmap that empowers students to be informed about their own education. With detailed information on areas of strength and areas of need, a student and their support system can use this data to work together and achieve their common goals.
Performance Levels
4 – Excellent
3 – Good
2 – Fair
1 – Intervention
Not Available
Interpreting Your Results
The attendance rate is calculated by taking the number of school days present and dividing it by the number of school days enrolled. The following cut-points determine the performance level designation.
97%-100% = Excellent | 93%-96% = Good | 90%-92% = Fair | 0%-90% = Intervention
Calculating the student referral rating involves two metrics: 1) referrals and 2) suspensions. For every referral a student receives, it will count as a 5-pt deduction. For every suspension, it will count as a 20-pt deduction.
91%-100% = Excellent | 81%-90% = Good | 71%-80% = Fair | 0%-70% = Intervention
Local Reading Test
The local test serves as a valid measure of progress toward grade-level proficiency in reading. The five relative placement levels are converted as shown below:
Exceeding = Excellent | Ready = Good | Close = Fair | Below or Far Below = Intervention
Local Math Test
The local test serves as a valid measure of progress toward grade-level proficiency in mathematics. The five relative placement levels are converted as shown below:
Exceeding = Excellent | Ready = Good | Close = Fair | Below or Far Below = Intervention
State ELA Test
The state test serves as a valid measure of progress toward college and career readiness in English & Language Arts (ELA). The four overall achievement levels are converted as shown below:
Standard Exceeded = Excellent | Standard Met = Good | Standard Nearly Met = Fair | Standard Not Met = Intervention
State Math Test
The state test serves as a valid measure of progress toward college and career readiness in Mathematics. The four overall achievement levels are converted as shown below:
Standard Exceeded = Excellent | Standard Met = Good | Standard Nearly Met = Fair | Standard Not Met = Intervention
This state test serves as a valid measure of English language proficiency among California’s English Learners (ELs). The four overall achievement levels are converted as shown below:
Standard Exceeded = Excellent | Standard Met = Good | Standard Nearly Met = Fair | Standard Not Met = Intervention
This state test serves as a valid measure of progress toward college and career readiness in science. The four overall achievement levels are converted as shown below:
Standard Exceeded = Excellent | Standard Met = Good | Standard Nearly Met = Fair | Standard Not Met = Intervention